Friday, December 5, 2008


Today I got to go to Newark, NJ. The drive from my house to there isn't very pretty- lots of um, urban grittiness. And while the sun was shining in NY, it was gray and bleak in NJ. Robert said that it looked like an Edward Hopper painting, which was fairly apt.

While driving through Newark I saw at least 6 billboards (sadly I didn't start counting right away) with a picture of a man in a jailhouse jumper and handcuffs. The "get tough" caption read: "Buy a gun for someone who can't, buy yourself 10 years in jail". The subcaption (apparently that's not a word, but I think it should be so there!) advised readers not to "Lie for the other guy".

Yeah. I think that pretty much sums up what I had to say.


the main stitch upholstery said...

i agree that subcaption should be a word.

Unknown said...

hmmm, must be a BIG problem over there....gun buying for the "other" guy.