Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sometimes, he listens

Nearly every night as we sit down to dinner Robert says, "Thank you for making dinner, sweetheart". I love it, and really appreciate that he takes the time to acknowledge my cooking every day. It's amazing.

The kids, in contrast, tend to sit down and say, "Can I have ketchup?", or "What is this? I don't liiiike it!". The answer to the first question is generally yes, and the second tends to get a reply of, "Yes, you do actually, but it doesn't matter because that's what's for dinner so you need to eat it anyway".

As of today we are back in the semester schedule which means Robert is not home for dinner or bedtime on Wednesday nights. When I brought dinner out tonight Zion said, "Mmmm, yummy. Thank you for making dinner, mommy!" I almost fell over with delight, but showered him with kisses instead.


njt said...

Nice Zion you've earned yourself several naughty events now.

Unknown said...

that is so sweet of him!

Sometimes I need to hear a thank you that way I don't feel like it is just my job, which it is, but it would be nice to have someone acknowledge my awesomeness. ;)

skyeball said...

What a sweetheart...

Andrea said...

totally sweet!!!

Abby said...

that's awesome that Robert sets such a great example for Zion! And awesome that Zion is so grateful!! You guys are great parents with great kiddies! :)