Sunday, April 5, 2009

I want candy...

I made the mistake of browsing Foodzie and Etsy yesterday, looking at candy and pickles (not at the same time!). Now I am in lust for marshmallows! My friend Julie chastised me for even thinking about buying marshmallows that someone else had made- didn't I know how easy and delicious it was to make my own??

Um, yes. Kind of. I've made marshmallows once before. I hear they were pretty good too. But I could barely stand to eat them and when I did, I wished I hadn't. Turns out that hot gelatin smells rank. Really, really nasty. And even though the smell fades I could still smell it on my marshmallows- or at least I thought I could. So, that pretty much sucked.

But I'm nothing if not easy to shame into DIY-ness. So now I find myself childless on a Sunday afternoon (Robert took them hiking) and contemplating the creation of marshmallows. Again. Luckily (??) I'm fresh out of corn syrup and probably low on gelatin (I'm so lazy that I haven't gotten to the kitchen to look yet. Yet.), so I'll either have to wait or walk to the (overpriced) store in the village.


Emily said...

I've never tried to make myself, what is your recipe for the marshmallows? Seems tricky to get them nice and fluffy!

the main stitch upholstery said...

seems crazy to make them yourself when you can buy a whole package for 1.88$ anywhere. and also, they are not that great so i think you are crazy.

BirdEtt said...

I didn't know about Foodzie. I want a million things now too!

Robert M Geraci said...

umm, yeah, becca. and why drink wine when you can buy arbor mist for $1.88 anywhere?

the answer, in both cases, is b/c the $1.88 product tastes terrible.