Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Fitting, part 2

Well, the lovely folks over at Ravelry are helping me figure out my sweater fit issuses! I joined a "Bust Line" group in the hopes of learning enough about chest measurments and sweater fit to stop having to frog back and make my sweaters smaller across the chest. Here's what I've learned so far: 1. if you are relatively slender but with kinda big boobs you're often better off knitting a smaller size and using short row shaping to make the bust bigger. and 2. if you measure around the top of your chest (above boobs, under armpits) you can often knit that measurement (termed "negative ease") rather than the "fullest part of the bust" measurment, esp if you have the build mentioned in 1. Cool. Mystery solved!


Unknown said...


Andrea said...

I just wanted to tell you that Zion is a genius! Last night as I turn on the TV (bad thing that it is), wait I hear, what is it? Tom Waits on SYTYCD!!! I don't think it was the song Zion was singing, but I thought about Zion immediately. (Not familiar with Tom Waits music)