Happy Monday! Zion has the week off of school, but Robert has late meetings all week. Sigh! Rather poor timing for it, no?
Kids and I aren't doing much today. I just got Zion to fall asleep 15 minutes ago, and I'm hoping he'll sleep a good hour and not be grumpy when he wakes up. It's so precious to watch him sleeping next to me while I type. Ooops, there's Liel, awake from her nap! No rest for the weary (or wicked) it would seem.
Quickly- I'm trying to justify buying a bunch of handspun yarn. It's lovely, and there are 20 skeins in 10 different shades of brown and cream. But I have no idea what to do with it! So if you think you'd like a hat, scarf, shrug, or even stripped sweater in shades of brown, now's your chance to let me know.
Also, Trufflehound's is delicious, and Robert is, as always, totally rockstar. That is all.
Paul Simon, "Graceland", and thus here I publicly reveal the love of Simon and Garfunkel, and later Simon, that I have had since HS....
LOVE the wrap you created! Just lovely stuff. I'm always up for a new sweater or something, so order away on that lovely yarn ;).
Love L
you can call me al paul simon
yes, i would love brown and cream striped anything! i love sweaters and don't have many nice ones, i also love mittens, but wear sweaters most out here. i love short sleeved sweaters too! i love knitted tops in general!
ARGH! I have been defeated...it IS call me al.....i'm just a minor leagues simon devotee, obviously :).
But i still like brown yarn :).
and futhermore, bonedigger bonedigger dogs in the moonlight....
"you can call me al" but i figure that paul simon better call me rockstar after i threw down with 140 points for the word "freezing" in scrabble.
yeah, so leslie better call me rockstar too.
you can call me al
paul simon
all around me there were incidents and accidents. hints and allegations.
actually, I wonder if it is called "you can be my bodyguard" or "bodyguard"
It's all the hints and allegations....and robert, I'm nothing without you and your familials....but your humble self knew that, i'm sure.
it turns out that no one is. while tripping on amananitis mushrooms one night, a friend had the realization that the world could not exist without me. i am archimedes' lever!
I am absolutely saddened by the fact that YET AGAIN my entry was not posted when I thought it was :( I answered this, Jovi, I did! And I was correct and I wrote out more words and WHERE THE FRANCE ARE MY POSTS GOING IF NOT HERE??!?!?!
You can call me al. Paul simon :(
*kicks ground* I'm afraid to go look at all the other posts and see that my posts did not take. I have answered every one (since about the third). *shakes fist*
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