Monday, March 10, 2008

Pass the whipped cream

It's only 3pm, but I've had a rough day. I got an unpleasant surprise in the mail- an invitation that actually left me feeling horribly excluded. I've cried a fair bit today, but I'm working on being chin up and counting my blessings (which are many, even if they are scattered by the winds of the earth). I'm having a tired, I-can't-take-it-on kinda day. To quote an Ani DiFranco song: "I'm tired of being so fierce, I'm tired of being so friendly".

As part of my pro-active approach I'm dreaming up things that will help my emotional pendulum swing back the other way- or at back to the center. Leslie's comment wondering about Kitchenaid attachments got me thinking about whipped cream. The real kind, not the canned kind. And now I'm pretty fixated on getting me some sweet, fluffy, cheering whipped cream. I'll let you know how much it helps :P

In other news, I'm trying to figure out a way to maintain my knitting/overall sanity (hint: it involves me knitting every day. No kidding. A recently published study found that knitters brainwaves, while they are knitting, closely resemble those of people meditating. I know that knitting has that kind of serenity-ifying effect on my emotional state!) while somehow not blazing through $100 (or more) of yarn every month. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd love to, but the money just isn't in the cards at the moment. So, I think I'm going to need to learn to love small yarn knitting- stuff like socks, and lace-y shawls. I've never been particularly drawn to them in the past because they can take a while, and I like results (OK, socks don't take terribly long, but the stitches are really tiny!). But clearly, the time has come. Plus I think they might be more appealing to knit in the lovely New York summers, don't you?


the main stitch upholstery said...

absolutly, socks are much easier to deal with when it is hot than a sweater sitting on your lap. speaking of which, i went to tan yesterday and this morning for the first time of the year. i worked out also, which is is damn time that i do, i am tired of being fat cause i have to look good for summer. it is warm here, i wore shorts and tank top today. we are so busy! make some whipped cream!

Melany said...

Socks are fun! AND, toddler socks can knit up in a day or so. Talk about instant gratification. :) But, it's easy to spend as much on sock yarn as any other yarn.

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Abby said...

Can I have some whipped cream too?? Yum! Sorry you're having a bad day, I am too! Hope things improve quickly. Hugs!

Information said...

I think that more intricate patterend blankets can really add up the time factor and lower the knitting cost as well. Like a heart eyelet patterned blanket can take a knitter pro about 4 weeks at 3-4 hours a day and it's only 6-7 skeins of yard. Just a thought! I am sure Abby's grandma has it!