Thursday, May 22, 2008

Not favorite things

Robert is outside with the kids, grilling chicken and asparagus (it's quite cool and windy, but at least it's sunny!). A moment ago he came rushing in with Liel, who had announced her need to potty mere seconds before she really HAD to go, and had peed in her pants as a result. I took over and got Liel clean and into dry underwear. Liel headed for the deck.

"Where are you going?", I asked. A mama's gotta check, after all.

Liel stopped. "Outside".

"If you're going outside you need pants", I said, quite reasonably.

Liel scrunched up her face. "Nooooo", she said, "Pants-es are not my favorite."


the main stitch upholstery said...

can't say i blame her! much more comfortable to walk around in panties.

BirdEtt said...

wouldn't it be great to just run around on the beach bum naked again? i can't say i love having stuff on me when i'm in my house alone, but i definitely like panties. must be a grown-up thing.

Unknown said...

hahaha too cute!!!