This morning I got to hear Robert shouting, "Don't run with scissors!!" to Liel. I think she stopped, too! We were waiting for the mail to arrive before heading to Brooklyn...I bought some lovely Malabrigo on sale and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. Today was not the day, but I did get some gorgeous handspun yarn from a
Ravelry swap. I can't get a good pic now cause it's dark and all, but needless to say it takes my own handspun pic down a notch. I need to try plying my yarn- maybe tomorrow.
Anyway, after my exciting mail we packed up and headed out. Big day: giving Kenny his birthday sweater! Because he's so very tall and thin it was a total custom job and involved at least 10 phone calls during which I demanded that he measure from underarm to wrist, shoulder to wrist, neck to hip, hip to underarm, the sleeves on a sweater that nearly fit, etc. etc. The sweater used more than a kilometer of yarn and took between 100,000 and 150,000 stitches. So you can see why I was a little nervous about whether or not it would
actually fit. I'll put you out of your suspenseful misery quickly: IT FIT PERFECTLY. I should've had more confidence in my own rockstarness, ya know? Seriously, it looks awesome on him. I'd post a pic for you, but we forgot our camera, and Kenny hasn't emailed me the pic I took with his yet. I plan to call and harangue him about it in the morning.
Zion had a kind of hard day at Uncle Kenny and Aunt Giselle's. He was underslept, grumpy, kind of bored, and really happy to be there all at the same time. In practice this meant that he spent a lot of time alternately antagonizing Liel for the fun of hearing her shriek at him, and telling his aunt and uncle how glad he was to be there, and how nice it was to see them. Pretty much your standard 4 year old Jeckyll and Hyde.
Kenny's been on about this fabulous Thai place they discovered in the neighborhood, so naturally I had to try it. It was quite, quite good. Wish it had been there/we had known about it when we lived there! I love coconut milk.
No visit with Kenn and Giselle seems to be complete without a debate about some point of grammar or pronunciation, so today we all learned how to correctly conguate the verb "to forsake" (it's "Chester has forsaken his sausage" or "Chester forsook his sausage"). Well, 3 of us learned. One of us already knew the correct answer, and she's typing this blog post. And no, being right never gets tiring!