Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I've decided that I want to learn to make cheese. I hear it's pretty easy, and fun, and I like making shit! So there you go, it's perfect for me. I'm gonna order some supplies from here in the next month or so. First I want to looking into my options for local, small farm, grass fed, raw cow's milk. You can make cheese out of any milk except ultra pasteurized (this process denatures the proteins in the milk, thus disabling the cheese making process. Plus ultra pasteurization is really just a tool designed to allow milk to to be transported over greater distances. Is that something you actually *want*? Less fresh milk that's been denatured so it won't rot before it gets to you? Not to mention the fact that the further food travels to get to us the more polluting fossil fuels it uses. Yuck.), but raw milk is more delicious and more healthful, as long as you have a nice clean source for it (in other words: factory farms = teh bad for milk. Bad for cows, bad for milk, bad for you, bad for the earth).

How freakin' cool am I going to be when I'm making cheddar and mozzerella in my own kitchen?? So cool!


Anonymous said...

yeah. so cool.
Jovi, you're doing all the good things in the world, you know that?

Anonymous said...

yeah. so cool.
Jovi, you're doing all the good things in the world, you know that?

the main stitch upholstery said...

how long does it take to make? does it smell badly?