Today is my parent's 37th wedding anniversary. They are in Oaxaca and hopefully having a good time!
In celebration (...or something) I made an incredibly delicious summer treat: lemon ice! Here's how I did it.
Zest of 5 lemons (6 would be good, but I bought 6 and already used the zest from one).
Put the zest in about 2- 2 1/2 cups water and put it in the fridge for a few days. Strain out the lemon zest and keep the lemony water.
Juice the lemons (I got about 1 c juice). Mix it with the lemony water and add some plain water- I think I added 2 cups or so. Stir in a cup of sugar (or whatever sweetener you like) and about a teaspoon of vanilla. Pour it into a 9x13" pan and put it in the freezer. Stir it with a fork every hour or 30 minutes so it doesn't freeze solid (though if it does you can put in a blender and save the day), and eventually you will have rock star lemon slush.
tasty, tasty.
This reminded me of one of my FAVORITE treats at Grandma Main's house: Orange Slush. It was just frozen orange juice from her trees, but it was the best damned stuff ever. WAY better than orange juice. I'm gonna blog about it now.
oh yes! orange slush in fleishmans margarine containers (the original ones with the white tub with the corn on the sides). best stuff in the world. i miss those orange trees. sounds great jovi!
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