Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lazy cats

As if Ajax's picture to the right wasn't proof enough, I'm here to tell you how lazy cats are.

The kids and I drove my parents to my brother's house today so they can spend a few days with him before flying home. This morning Zion and I were discussing our plans for the day, and I reminded him that we were going to get to see Uncle Kenny and Aunt Giselle.

"Oh wait", I said, remembering. "Not Aunt Giselle, she's going to be at work. But Uncle Kenn will be there...and, um...July and Melville!" July and Melville are my brother's pointy, big nosed cats (for reals. Spend a week or two with Ajax and "normal" cats start looking like a Dali painting). I was hoping that the cats would make up for the disappointment of no Aunt Giselle. It worked! Zion was unfazed.

"Yeah, because cat's don't like going to work", he said.

I thought of Ajax, sprawled on the bed and barely able to keep his eyes open after a hard day of sleeping. "True", I agreed.

"So, fortunatly, we will be able to see July and Melville", Zion concluded briskly. "I think I will like petting them".


the main stitch upholstery said...

zion is a great thinker. jule is like that too. makes me laugh. ian is one year (literally, his b-day is feb 2nd and nikkis is jan 30th.) younger than nikki. she is in 6th grade at the jr high and ian is in his last year of grade school in 5th.

Unknown said...

how sweet that boy of yours is...hope he liked petting the cats~