Friday, August 10, 2007

Charting Progress

Lately, as I've been knitting, I've had people ask me how long it takes to knit X, or how long I've been working on Y. I don't usually pay a lot of attention to the clock when I'm knitting, but I'm trying to keep track as I knit the Tree Jacket, so here we are!

Here's what I had done after about 2 hours:

And here's what it looks like currently, after about 7 hours:
I'm estimating 30-40 hours on this sweater, and it's a pretty quick knit. The awesome book Women's Work tells me that the words "robe" and "rob" are etymologically related, and you can see why! Making clothes is seriously time consuming, and I didn't sheer the sheep, wash, dye, or spin the wool.

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