Wednesday, August 22, 2007

From the mouths of not me!

So, remember how I was all evangelizing CSAs a few weeks back? You know, more than I normally do? Well, Devon joined a CSA in her neighborhood, and I got this (unsolicited!) email from her today:

"Hi Jovs,
I'm so excited. I just got home from picking up my first CSA delivery. It rocks!! I can't believe how much stuff is inside -- arugula, basil, cantaloupe, carrots, cucumbers (2 kinds -- have you ever heard of a lemon cucumber?), eggplant, garlic, oranges, romaine lettuce (2 heads), yellow onions, radishes, squash and tomatoes. I can't wait to start making yummy stuff. We're heading over to Vince's parents' house tonight for dinner. I think I'm going to bring them some lettuce and tomatoes b/c I just don't think we'll be able to eat it all in time. This CSA thing is super cool!!"

MmmmmHmmmm. Told ya. All the cool kids are joining CSAs, cause CSAs are rockstar!

1 comment:

K Young said...

And when you have way way too many cucumbers, check out this NYC lady (by way of Texas)'s cold pickle recipe: